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National survey of bereaved people (VOICES), 2013

A statistical bulletin presenting bereaved peoples’ views on the quality of care provided to a friend or relative in the last three months of life. Overall quality of care is not perceived to have changed significantly between 2011, 2012 and 2013 in England but was rated significantly lower for people who died in a hospital, compared to people dying at home, in a hospice or care home. For those dying at home, the quality of coordination of care was rated significantly lower in 2013 compared to 2012. The dignity and respect for patients shown by hospital nurses and hospice nurses has increased between 2011 and 2013. Pain is relieved most effectively in the hospice setting and least effectively at home. The bulletin also indicates that only half of people who express a preference to die at home, actually die at home.

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Type of Reference
Great britain. office for national statistics
Resource Database
Social care online
Publication Year
Reprint Edition
Issue Number
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