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Combining Work and Care: The Reality of Policy Tensions for Carers

Without the contribution of informal carers of disabled, sick & older people, organised social care in England & Wales could not cope. However, carers can often experience financial hardship, poor health & social isolation, & may find it difficult to combine work & care. The government has developed policies to support carers in their caring role, while also introducing measures to assist carers to work, reflecting the emphasis on paid work as a driving force to reduce poverty. This article draws on empirical evidence to assess the effectiveness of financial & labour market support to encourage carers to work. The evidence sheds light on the tensions underlying current measures to help carers work & care. Tables, References. Adapted from the source document.

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Type of Reference
0962-7898, 0962-7898
Resource Database
Applied social sciences index & abstracts (assia) assia - exported on 8/7/2016
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