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Telephone support group intervention for persons with hemophilia and HIV/AIDS and family caregivers

The purpose of this pilot project was to test the feasibility of a telephone support group intervention for persons with hemophilia and HIV/AIDS and for their family caregivers. Their support needs were unique because they did not identify with predominant groups of persons with AIDS and were geographically dispersed from peers. The 12 week intervention involved separate telephone support groups for hemophiliacs and for family caregivers. The two groups, comprised of a predetermined maximum of six people, were co-led by a professional and a peer. The support group for family caregivers involved six people and the group for men with hemophilia included five people, including one peer facilitator and one professional facilitator in each group. The telephone support group discussions were taped, transcribed, and analyzed for prevalent themes. The peer and professional facilitators maintained weekly field notes. All participants reported that the telephone groups had a positive impact on meeting their support needs. They believed that they had benefitted from sharing information and that the support groups had decreased their feelings of isolation and loneliness. Participants, however, contended that the intervention should be longer than 12 weeks.

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International Journal of Nursing Studies

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