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Stress of Caregivers in Caring for People With Stroke Implications for Rehabilitation

Stroke may bring about various impacts on functional deficits to people with stroke, as well as caregiving stress. The present study aims at exploring the relationship between the demographic characteristics of 33 caregivers and the stress experienced plus their implications for rehabilitation. The patients' admission scores on the Chinese Mini-Mental State Examination (CMMSE), modified Barthel Index (MBI), and Relatives' Stress Scales (RSS) of caregivers were collected. It was found that older caregivers would experience more stress, while better independence and functioning of patients suggested lower personal distress. Admission Chinese Mini-Mental State Examination scores of patients had a negative correlation with the negative feeling subscale of Relatives' Stress Scales, implying that a higher level of stroke patients' dependence on the daily activity and reduction in physical ability of caregivers may hint at a higher level of personal distress for caregivers. Cognitive deficits of patients may also induce emotional distress for caregivers. Proper handling techniques and caregiving skills for the people with cognitive deficits and higher daily activity dependence are suggested for better management.

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Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation

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Web of science - exported 12/7/2016
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