This consultation seeks the views of interested parties on the draft Young Carers' (Needs Assessments) (England) Regulations to put into effect Section of the Children and Families Act 2014. A local authority must assess whether a young carer within their area has needs for support and, if so, what those needs are, if - (a) it appears to the authority that the young carer may have needs for support, or; (b) the authority receives a request from the young carer or a parent of the young carer to assess the young carer's needs for support. The draft regulations set out: the matters to which a local authority must have regard in carrying out a young carer's needs assessment; the manner and form of a young carer's needs assessment; the matters which a local authority must take into account when carrying out a young carer's needs assessment; and, the definition of the term 'whole family approach'. The consultation closes on 26 January 2015.