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Evaluation of quality of life in caregivers who are providing home care to cancer patients

Purpose: The author aimed to evaluate the quality of life and the factors affecting the caregivers of cancer patients receiving home care. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was performed in 48 cancer patients who were served from home care unit and 48 caregivers between 01 and 28 February 2014. Patients' functional status was evaluated with Katz Index for Activities of Daily Living and the Lawton Scale for Instrumental Activities of Daily Living. The levels of quality of life of caregivers of patients with cancer were determined with Caregiver Quality of Life Index-Cancer (CQOLC). Results: The mean age of forty-eight patients was 69.79 ± 16.09 years; 62.5% of them were female. The mean duration of home care was 5.99 ± 5.26 years; 25% of patients were fully dependent on the bed. 83.3% of caregivers were female, mean age of caregivers was 50.75 ± 14.89 years, and 77.1% of them were family members. The mean CQOLC score was 74.43 ± 24.45. The highest score was detected in the financial distress and the lowest score was detected in the positive adaptation. The quality of life is increasing as the length of care is reduced and income status increased. Conclusion: The quality of life of caregivers is very low. Each characteristic of the caregiver will affect the care he/she gives. From this point of view, it is important to consider the characteristics of caregivers in improving the care given to cancer patients. In this respect, there is a need to support caregivers both materially and spiritually. 

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Journal article
Springer Science & Business Media
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Supportive Care in Cancer
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