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Voice, choice and control: how registered nurses, care and support staff in the care sector can support people to achieve these aims

This document provides guidance on how registered nurses, care and support staff can enable relationship-centred care, and how they can work with others to achieve personalised care and support.

Over two years ago a vision and strategy aimed at nursing, midwifery and care staff, called ’Compassion in Practice’, was launched. Within this, the Department of Health has led work on helping people to stay independent, maximising well-being and improving health outcomes. This document sets out how Compassion in Practice relates to nurses and care staff working in any number of different settings. Ensuring that individuals retain voice, choice and control over as many aspects of their lives as they can, for as long as they can, is a key success factor for social care. This can be achieved through a person-centred approach which understands someone’s personal history, current circumstances, future aspirations and what is important to them. This document recognises the challenges faced by the workforce and sets out: • what good quality care and support looks like; • how registered nurses, care and support staff can enable relationship-centred care; and • how registered nurses, care and support staff can work with others to achieve personalised care and support. Linking all this in to the Compassion in Practice strategy, the final section of this document sets out the six core elements for all health and social care practitioners, with registered nurses and managers having particular roles.

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Type of Reference
Great britain. department of health
Resource Database
Social care online
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