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Medication management: the perspectives of people with dementia and family carers

The safe self management of medicines will be affected by the presence of dementia. A qualitative study using grounded theory was undertaken by a community nursing organisation in Melbourne, Australia, in order to develop a strength-based and person-centred approach to the assessment of medication ability. The perspectives of the person with dementia and their carers were explored to see if there were any significant differences in their medication management experiences when compared to those of older adults without dementia and their carers. People with dementia are able to sustain self management of their medicines using established routines and strategies. As cognitive changes affect short-term memory, external strategies and task allocation to family members are introduced by the individual to support their continuing independence. The family member assumed the carer role as their concern for medication safety increased, but this role engendered stress and a burden that was unacknowledged by the health professional.

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Dementia: the International Journal of Social Research and Practice

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Social care online
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