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Financial strain among unpaid family caregivers of frail elders in community

Background: In the United States, 8 out of 10 elders, 65 or older, have at least one chronic disease. Their care likely falls mostly to family members; many experience financial strain associated with providing that care. Informal caregiving saves the American healthcare system money. The economic value of family caregivers is estimated at $350 billion, exceeding the total amount spent by either Medicare ($342 billion) or Medicaid ($300 billion) The COVID-19 pandemic makes this issue even more relevant. Many of those recovering from this virus, whatever their age and previous health history, find it is a very long process. This study examined correlates of financial strain among 956 unpaid family caregivers using the framework of the stress process model. Method: The study utilized the caregiver survey data set from the 1999 National Long-Term Care Survey. Results: indicate that a caregiver's perceived overload had the largest effect on greater financial strain. Variations and dynamics in caregiver financial strain are particular to the caregiver's family relationship. Conclusion: Identifying correlates of caregiver financial strain can provide an important impetus for tackling the causes and providing effective interventions.

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Type of Reference
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Journal article
Taylor & Francis
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Journal Titles
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment
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