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Experiences of Families with Adult Home Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Patients

Background: Adult home mechanical ventilation (HMV) represents a small but growing vulnerable population in the community. Caring for these patients exposes families to many positive and negative experiences. Objectives and methods: This study aimed to synthesize the existing qualitative research that examined family members' experiences of caring for adult patients using HMV. Medline, PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched for qualitative studies conducted with family caregivers of adult patients receiving HMV. Thematic synthesis was conducted to interpret the findings. The GRADE-CERQual approach was used to assess the level of confidence. Results: After completion of the screening process, 11 studies were included. The main theme from the meta-synthesis was the Experience of changing as a person. Families' experiences were divided into three stages over time: (1) Mixed feelings, (2) Challenging, and (3) Continuity. Conclusions: Family experiences illustrate that teamwork with an interprofessional approach based on patient and family needs is required to deliver care, improve clinical outcomes, reduce adverse experiences, and increase family satisfaction.

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Journal article
Wolters Kluwer
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Home Healthcare Now
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