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Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia 2020: implementation plan

Sets out how the Government plans to meet the commitments made in the Prime Minister's challenge on dementia 2020, which aims to make England the best country in the world for dementia care, support, research by 2020. The plan is built around two clear phases: up to 2020, covering immediate actions with allocated funding; and 2018-2020 where actions are indicative and in less detail. It sets out the 50 commitments and the organisation responsible, across 4 themes: risk reduction; health and care; awareness; social action. These themes include using the NHS Health Check programme to educate more people earlier about the risks of developing dementia; building on work to improve rates of dementia diagnosis; developing post diagnosis support services with joined up personalised care for people with dementia; creating dementia-friendly health and care settings; and increasing awareness and social action with Dementia Friends and Dementia Friendly Communities initiatives.

Original source (some source materials require subscription or permission to access)

Key Information

Type of Reference
Great britain. department of health
Resource Database
Social care online
Publication Year
Start Page