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Living with moderate or severe traumatic brain injury: the meaning of family members' experiences

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has long-lasting consequences not only for the individual with the injury but also for family members. The aim of this study is to elucidate the meaning of family members' experiences of living with an individual with moderate or severe TBI. The data have been collected by means of qualitative research interviews with eight family member participants. A phenomenological hermeneutic interpretation (Ricouer, 1976) of the data reveal that family members struggle with their own suffering while showing compassion for the injured person. Their willingness to assume care for the injured person is derived from their feeling of natural love and the ethical demand to be responsible for the other. Hope and natural love from close relatives, the afflicted person, and other family members give the family members strength. It is important that professionals pay more attention to the suffering of close relatives. 

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J Fam Nurs

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