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Barry, Lorna, And Gallagher, Stephen

Social support mediates the association between benefit finding and quality of life in caregivers

The psychosocial pathways underlying associations between benefit finding and quality of life are poorly understood. Here, we examined associations between benefit finding, social support, optimism and quality of life in a sample of 84 caregivers. Results revealed that quality of life was predicted by benefit finding, optimism and social support.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

A randomised controlled trial of benefit finding in caregivers: The Building Resources in Caregivers Study Protocol

Caregivers may engage in benefit finding, that is, an increase in perceived positive growth, as a cognitive strategy for coping with stress. The Building Resources in Caregivers study will compare effects of a brief benefit finding writing intervention with a control intervention. Caregivers of people with mental and physical disabilities will be randomised into either a benefit-writing group or a neutral writing group. Caregivers will complete measures relating to themselves and care-recipients (e.g.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09