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Borrell, Carme

Views on the Effects of the Spanish Dependency Law on Caregivers’ Quality of Life Using Concept Mapping

In 2006 the Spanish Dependency Law established new rights for people in situation of dependency. The impact of the Law could have also affected the quality of life of their carers. This study aims to understand how the Law may have influenced caregivers’ quality of life through their own perceptions and those of Primary Health Care professionals, and to compare both perspectives. The study used Concept Mapping, a mixed methods technique. In total, 16 caregivers and 21 professionals participated. Both groups identified a mix of positive and negative effects.

Fri, 03/22/2019 - 10:27

Gender and socio‐economic inequalities in health and living conditions among co‐resident informal caregivers: a nationwide survey in Spain

AIMS: To explore the associations between social determinants, caregiver's network support, burden of care and their consequences in health and living conditions of informal caregivers.

BACKGROUND: The socio-demographic trends regarding population ageing and changes in family models trigger an increased demand for care.

DESIGN: Cross-sectional study based on the 2008 edition of the National Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey (DIDSS-2008) conducted by the National Statistics Institute in Spain.

Thu, 03/07/2019 - 10:11