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Bremer, Patrick

Informal and formal care: Substitutes or complements in care for people with dementia? Empirical evidence for 8 European countries

On average informal caregiving substitutes for home help and nurse visits.•A complementary relationship between informal care and outpatient visits is identified.•The findings vary significantly between different geographical European countries. Background In order to contain public health care spending, European countries attempt to promote informal caregiving. However, such a cost reducing strategy will only be successful if informal caregiving is a substitute for formal health care services.

Thu, 03/07/2019 - 12:03

Informal dementia care: consequences for caregivers' health and health care use in 8 European countries

Background: Informal (dementia) care has economic consequences throughout the health care system. Whilst the health and wellbeing of the care recipient might improve, the health of the caregiver might also change, typically for the worse. Therefore, this analysis aims to examine the association between caregiving intensity and caregivers’ health and health care utilization.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15