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Feinberg, Lynn Friss

Shifts in Family Caregiving--and a Growing Care Gap

As baby boomers approach old age, many factors may be driving a growing divide between the demand for family caregivers and the number of available caregivers. This article highlights trends in family caregiving and changing patterns of family life that challenge the family's capacity to carry out its traditional functions in long-term services and supports (LTSS), describes the high cost of LTSS (including out-of-pocket spending), illuminates the future care gap, and explains the implications of these trends in the context of providing and paying for LTSS.

Thu, 06/13/2019 - 10:19

Paid Family Leave: An Emerging Benefit for Employed Family Caregivers of Older Adults

As our population ages, the ability to take time off to care for an ill family member or close friend without losing income or a job is a growing social, health, and economic issue for American families. Therefore, the need for paid family leave policies for workers with caregiving responsibilities is an important topic for employers and policymakers, in the clinical care of older adults, and at kitchen tables across the United States. Despite this growing need, paid family leave is not available to most workers, and there is no national paid family leave policy.

Thu, 06/13/2019 - 10:15

Are persons with cognitive impairment able to state consistent choices?

Purpose: This study examined the decision-making capacity of persons with cognitive impairment with respect to their everyday care preferences and choices.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09