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Hagedoorn, Mariët

Combining informal care and paid work: The use of work arrangements by working adult-child caregivers in the Netherlands

An increasing number of people combine paid work with the provision of informal care for a loved one. This combination of work and care may cause difficulties, necessitating adaptations at work, i.e. work arrangements. The present study explores what types of work arrangements are used by working caregivers, and which caregiver, care and work characteristics are associated with the use of these work arrangements.

Wed, 02/06/2019 - 11:47

Factors associated with symptoms of depression among informal caregivers of people with systemic sclerosis: a cross-sectional study

Purpose: Our study aimed to identify caregiver characteristics (gender, age, occupational status, educational attainment, relation to care recipient), care recipient characteristics (age, disease subtype), and caregiving factors (hours of care, perceived caregiving burden) associated with symptoms of depression among informal caregivers of persons with systemic sclerosis (also known scleroderma).

Wed, 01/23/2019 - 16:41

The impact of older person's frailty on the care-related quality of life of their informal caregiver over time: results from the TOPICS-MDS project

Purpose: To examine the impact of changes in an older person's frailty on the care-related quality of life of their informal caregiver.; Methods: Five research projects in the TOPICS-MDS database with data of both older person and informal caregiver at baseline and after 12 months follow-up were selected. Frailty was measured in five health domains (functional limitations, psychological well-being, social functioning, health-related quality of life, self-rated health).

Mon, 01/21/2019 - 16:33

The role of pain behaviour and family caregiver responses in the link between pain catastrophising and pain intensity: A moderated mediation model

Objectives: This study investigated the mediating role of pain behaviours in the association between pain catastrophising and pain intensity and explored the moderating role of family caregivers' responses to pain in the link between pain behaviours and pain intensity.; Methods: The sample consisted of 154 chronic pain patients and their family caregivers. Patients completed questionnaires regarding pain intensity, pain catastrophising, pain behaviours and their caregivers' responses to their pain.

Wed, 08/22/2018 - 10:09