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Health, Great Britain Department Of

Making change happen: the government's annual report on learning disability 2003; easy read version

This report is the Government's Annual Report to Parliament which gives our reply to the Learning Disability Task Force report 'Making Things Happen'. Reports on the work that has been done since the White Paper 'Valuing People:A New Strategy for Learning Disability for the 21st Century' launched in March 2001.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Carers grant: 2008-2011: guidance

This good practice guidance is issued every year along with monies to enable councils to support carers. Precisely how they do this is monitored by the Commission for Social Care Inspection.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14

Carers strategy demonstrator sites project funding allocations 2010/11

This circular provides information on the administration of the 2010-11 allocation for local authorities taking part in the Carers Strategy Demonstrator Sites (CSDS) project. The CSDS project is a Department of Health initiative to look at ways of providing new approaches to offering breaks for carers, health checks for carers and better NHS support for carers. Plans for demonstrator sites were set out in the Carers Strategy “Carers at the heart of 21st-Century families and communities: A caring system on your side. A life of your own”.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14

Reforming the Mental Health Act: part II; high risk patients; presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Health and the Home Secretary by command of Her Majesty December 2000

White paper setting out detailed proposals to establish a new statutory framework to ensure that those with severe mental disorder get care and treatment to meet their needs and, secondly, that the public is protected from those who may, occasionally, pose a threat to their safety. The proposed changes will affect: local and health authorities; service providers in the statutory, independent and voluntary sectors; and people with mental disorders and their carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Caring for our future: progress report on funding reform: presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Health ... July 2012

Care and support is something that everyone in this country will experience and be part of at some point in their lives. Some people have impairments from birth, or develop an impairment or mental health condition during their working life, and use care and support to maintain active and independent lives. Many, as they become older, become more frail and rely on care and support from others. As the Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia has already shown, we are committed to improving the lives of people with care needs.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

A guide to receiving direct payments from your local council: March 2008 update

Direct payments, which allow users to arrange their own care and services instead of receiving them directly from  local councils, can be made to parents and carers aged 16 or over. This includes people with parental responsibility for a disabled child. This guide offers advice to people who are thinking about or who are already getting direct payments from their local council social services department.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Reforming the law for adult care and support: the Government’s response to Law Commission report 326 on adult social care: presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Health ... July 2012

The Government response to the Law Commission's three year review into adult social care law. The response considers each of the Law Commission's recommendations and sets them in the context of the Government proposals for reform published in the draft Care and Support Bill.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Intermediate care: moving forward; national service framework for older people supporting implementation

This report argues that intermediate care, a range of services to promote faster recovery from illness, prevent faster recovery from illness, reduce hospital admissions and to maximise independence, is vital to improve the health and well being of older people. The national service framework for older people is a ten year programme of action linking services to support independence and promote good health, specialised services for key conditions, and culture change so that all older people and their carers are always treated with respect, dignity and fairness.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Simple ways to help someone living with dementia

This booklet provides some background information about dementia, its causes and symptoms, and gives practical advice on how to help someone with dementia, especially in the early stages. Information on support services and useful organisations are also provided.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Caring for our future: reforming care and support: presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Health ... July 2012

Government White Paper which sets out the vision for a reformed care and support system. Two core principles are at the heart of the White Paper. These are that everything should be done to minimise people's need for formal care and support and promote people's wellbeing and independence; and that people should in control of their own care and support. The White Paper sets out the reasons for the need for change and then outlines the new vision for care and support. It then looks at how a new system will address concerns in seven key areas.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12