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Henle, Christine A.

Eldercare and Childcare: How Does Caregiving Responsibility Affect Job Discrimination?

Despite rising legal claims, little research has examined discrimination against job applicants or employees because of their family caregiving responsibilities. Across three studies, we examine discrimination in hiring and starting salary decisions among equally qualified job applicants based on their elder, child, or sandwiched caregiving responsibilities. In study 1, primary caregiving parents were less likely to be hired, were offered lower salaries, and were rated as less competent, committed, available, and agentic, compared to non-primary caregiving parents.

Fri, 06/07/2019 - 14:34

Eldercare and Work Among Informal Caregivers: A Multidisciplinary Review and Recommendations for Future Research

Although research on eldercare and work has burgeoned in recent years, current literature is lacking an integrative model or framework to summarize existing findings and guide future research. The purpose of this article is to synthesize prior empirical research regarding eldercare among informal caregivers who must balance care with employment. We propose a conceptual model to serve as an organizing framework to understand eldercare and work.

Fri, 06/07/2019 - 13:09