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Johnson, Miriam J.

The experience of delirium in palliative care settings for patients, family, clinicians and volunteers: A qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis

Background: Delirium is common in palliative care settings and is distressing for patients, their families and clinicians. To develop effective interventions, we need first to understand current delirium care in this setting. Aim: To understand patient, family, clinicians' and volunteers' experience of delirium and its care in palliative care contexts. Design: Qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis (PROSPERO 2018 CRD42018102417).

Sun, 02/27/2022 - 16:28

The complex relationship between household income of family caregivers, access to palliative care services and place of death: A national household population survey

Background: Previous work shows that more affluent patients with cancer are more likely to die at home, whereas those dying from non-cancer conditions are more likely to die in hospital. Family caregivers are an important factor in determining place of death. Aim: To investigate associations between family caregivers' household income, patients' access to specialist palliative care and place of patients' death, by level of personal end-of-life care. Design: A cross-sectional community household population survey.

Mon, 10/22/2018 - 13:43