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Lyons, R.

Families’ experiences of involvement in care planning in mental health services: an integrative literature review

Introduction Mental health service policy stipulates that family carers be involved in care planning. Aim To identify families’ experiences of care planning involvement in adult mental health services. Method An integrative review where electronic databases and grey literature were searched for papers published between 01 January 2005 and 10 February 2016. Results Fifteen papers met the inclusion criteria.

Tue, 05/14/2019 - 11:28

Creating a Supportive Environment for Living with Stroke in Rural Areas: Two Low-Cost Community-Based Interventions

With the growing burden of chronic illness affecting aging populations, rural health systems are faced with unique challenges to support and promote health in their communities. The Yarmouth Stroke Project was a 5-year initiative aimed at improving health care services for stroke survivors in rural Nova Scotia, Canada. A needs assessment indicated a lack of support to self-manage stroke during community re-integration. The needs reported by stroke survivors and their caregivers included informational and emotional support.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13