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Murray, C. D.

Family stories of end-of-life cancer care when unable to fulfill a loved one's wish to die at home

Control over place of death is deemed important, not only in providing a “good death,” but also in offering person-centered palliative care. Despite the wish to die at home being endorsed by many, few achieve it. The present study aimed to explore the reasons why this wish is not fulfilled by examining the stories of ten individuals who lost a loved one to cancer.

We adopted a narrative approach, with stories synthesized to create one metastory depicting plot similarities and differences.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

The experience of being an informal "carer" for a person with cancer: A meta-synthesis of qualitative studies

Objective: Increasingly, family or friends are providing care to those with cancer. However, the majority of those assuming the caring role have no prior knowledge related to the provision of care. The present study aimed to explore the experiences of informal carers with respect to their role, thus determining ways that services may support transition to this role. Method: In order to obtain an in-depth view of such experience, a qualitative meta-synthesis was employed to review the findings of 17 studies.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11