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Peckham, Allie

"It's More than Just Needing money": The Value of Supporting Networks of Care

It is well established in research, practice, and policy that unpaid caregivers (family and friends of people with care needs) experience stress in their role. Supports that have been put in place by policy planners and program developers to support caregivers may not be accessed by caregivers at all or may do little to reduce their stress. Accessing personal resources (education, finances), in addition to social resources (individual connections) and societal resources (community supports) are critical in fostering resilience in caregivers (helping them adapt to stress and adversity).

Fri, 01/24/2020 - 13:16

Functional Limitations Experienced by Older Adults with Complex Care Needs and Its Impact on Access to Community Based Health and Social Care

Introduction: Multimorbidity is often combined with functional limitations among older adults. It is therefore important to ensure the built and social environment encourages older adults to safely age while maintaining independence. Previous findings have focused on the impact of the built environment as a barrier to an active lifestyle, but not specific to accessing community-based health and social care (CHSC). We propose to investigate the impact of patient and caregiver limitations on accessing care, including the impact of the built environment.

Wed, 01/02/2019 - 11:59

Extending "Continuity of Care" to include the Contribution of Family Carers

Background: Family carers, as a "shadow workforce", are foundational to the day-to-day integration of health service delivery for older family members living with complex health needs. This paper utilises Haggerty's model of continuity of care to explore the contribution of family carers' to the provision of care and support for an older family member's chronic condition within the context of health service delivery.

Wed, 11/21/2018 - 17:04

Caring for Caregivers: Establishing Resilience through Social Capital

Introduction: Even with international consensus that carers play a crucial role in supporting highneeds populations and contribute to formal health system sustainability, the academic and policy literature offers inconclusive evidence to guide how to support carers to ensure their resilience. Theory and Methods: This research used a convergent mixed model parallel design consisting of three main research phases.

Thu, 07/05/2018 - 10:46

The Unmet Needs of Patients and Carers within Community Based Primary Health Care

Introduction: Community Based Primary Health Care (CBPHC) is positioned as the foundation of integrated health systems, intended to support broader goals of population health and health system sustainability. CBPHC moves beyond traditional primary care (a physician visit) to team based care that spans organizational boundaries (such as primary care clinics + community care services).

Wed, 06/06/2018 - 14:31