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Puts, Martine

Optimizing the Care of Older Canadians with Cancer and their Families: A Statement Articulating the Position and Contribution of Canadian Oncology Nurses

Position Summary

  • The aging population presents a new reality for Canadian oncology nursing care. The variation and potential complexity of the needs of older adults with cancer and their families1 requires integrative, comprehensive, and tailored approaches to care.
Thu, 06/09/2022 - 14:55

Identifying and understanding the health and social care needs of older adults with multiple chronic conditions and their caregivers: a scoping review

BACKGROUND: As the population is aging, the number of persons living with multiple chronic conditions (MCC) is expected to increase. This review seeks to answer two research questions from the perspectives of older adults with MCC, their caregivers and their health care providers (HCPs): 1) What are the health and social care needs of community-dwelling older adults with MCC and their caregivers? and 2) How do social and structural determinants of health impact these health and social care needs?

Tue, 05/14/2019 - 15:32