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Ruthig, Joelle C.

Challenges of Using Secondary Data to Study Rural Caregiving within the United States

When health fails, rural residents often turn to informal caregivers for assistance and are more likely to do so than those living in urban areas. Scholarship is clear in demonstrating the many burdens that accrue to those providing informal care. Furthermore, caregivers in rural areas face amplified health disparities and stressors, and limited access to resources and formalized supports. Yet, the study of informal caregiving within geographic context is made difficult by the limitations inherent in existing secondary data sources.

Mon, 11/23/2020 - 14:37

Primary and secondary control strategies and psychological well-being among familial caregivers of older adults with dementia

Caring for an older family member with dementia can be extremely challenging, often resulting in diminished psychological well-being. A wide range of both internally and externally directed behavioral strategies may serve to protect well-being among caregivers. Specifically, primary control strategies involve direct attempts to change one's current situation, while secondary control strategies are attempts to inwardly adjust cognitions to align with the current situation.

Wed, 02/19/2020 - 09:18