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Scottish Consortium For Learning, Disability

Effective engagement in social work education

This good practice guide is based on research conducted in 2008, and commissioned to explore the extent of service user and carer involvement in the Higher and Further Education sectors in west and southeast Scotland. Through this guide it is hoped that good practice can be shared and lessons learned. This guide is a tool to support the effective engagement of people who use services and carers in social work education. It is evidence-based and applicable to educators working in the social care field and beyond including health, early years and childcare.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:18

Food for thought: people with learning disabilities and family carers share their experiences of healthy eating

In this DVD people with learning disabilities and their family carers tell their story of healthy eating. Their stories show how some people and families have overcome barriers to healthy eating. As well as healthy eating, the DVD also covers enjoying cooking and eating, having choice and control about what you eat, where you eat and who you eat with. It shows that healthy eating works best when everyone works together.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

The new Mental Health Act: an easy read guide

An easy read guide to the mental health act, a new law which says how you can be treated if you have a mental disorder, and also says what your rights are, is presented.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09