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Story, R.

Health and Social Care Needs of Somali Refugees With Visual Impairment (VIP) Living in the United Kingdom: A Focused Ethnography With Somali People With VIP, Their Caregivers, Service Providers, and Members of the Horn of Africa Blind Society

Purpose: To explore the health and social care needs of Somali refugees with visual impairment (VIP). Design: We conducted a three-phased focused ethnography in collaboration with the Horn of Africa Blind Society (HABS) through all stages from research design to findings dissemination. Method: Engaging in participatory research, HABS members (n = 26), service providers (n = 10), and two Somali community groups (n = 8 and n = 7) whose members were sighted (Phase 1) took part in four focus group interviews.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16