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Williamson, Toby

Commentary on the paper 'Dementia diagnosis and white lies: a necessary evil for carers of dementia patients?'

‘Thou shalt not lie’; ‘the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth’. Both morality and the law contain clear statements about the importance of veracity. Yet, as Ginny Russell so eloquently describes, based upon personal experience with her mother in the UK, truth telling in dementia is fraught with problems. The problems are not only ethical, but can also be practical and emotional. They can arise on a daily basis for the family and friends of people with dementia, as well as for care staff and professionals.

Thu, 05/23/2019 - 14:45

Out of the shadows: attending to its message

This article explores the findings from a recent research project conducted by the Mental Health Foundation for the Alzheimer's Society. The project 'Out of the Shadows' draws out important messages for people with dementia and their carers about their preferences for care and support. The research involved a literature review, focus groups and one-to-one interviews. It investigated who they found out they had dementia, the assessment and diagnostic process, and how they coped after diagnosis.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

Decisions, decisions

The Mental Capacity Act comes into full effect on 1 October 2007. This article aims to provide answers to some of the most frequent voiced questions and misapprehensions from mental health service users, carers, and practitioners about what the Act will mean to them.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10