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Anglia Ruskin University

Creating Inclusive Spaces for Students in Higher Education with Caregiving Responsibilities: Guidance and Recommendations

This briefing provides an overview of findings from research led by Prof. Moreau that looks at the relationship between care and academia for different groups in Higher Education (HE) in England. The most recent publication is an SRHE report that explores experiences of senior academic staff who are caregivers, with previous research projects looking at other academics, including Early Career Researchers, and students. The research reports are listed in the references section overleaf if you would like to read about this subject in more detail.

Sun, 09/01/2019 - 12:50

Creating Inclusive Spaces for Academic Staff with Caregiving Responsibilities: Guidance and Recommendations

This briefing provides an overview of findings from research led by Prof. Moreau that looks at the relationship between care and academia for different groups in Higher Education (HE) in England. The most recent publication is an SRHE report which explores experiences of senior academic staff who are caregivers, with previous research projects looking at other academics, including Early Career Researchers, and students. The research reports are listed in the references section overleaf if you would like to read about this subject in more detail.

Sun, 09/01/2019 - 12:46