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Walking the Walk: support for carers with a loved one at the end of life

When a carer’s loved one is at the end of life, the carer’s needs can often be overlooked despite this being a distressing time. Walking the Walk is an initiative first developed to learn how to better meet the needs of carers in the acute hospital setting; this article describes a pilot adapting it for use in care homes, GP practices and community hospitals. The project has received overwhelmingly positive evaluation responses, with participants reporting a renewed motivation to better support and cater to the needs of carers.

Tue, 06/29/2021 - 15:26

Is it time to create a new nurse role dedicated to helping carers?

Informal carers play a vital role in enabling people with ongoing support needs to be cared for at home, but this has a negative impact on carers' own health and wellbeing. Although community nurses are well placed to identify and support carers, falling numbers of district nurses and the increasing needs of an ageing population mean they have limited time and so focus on patients. This article proposes the creation of a 'carer support nurse' role entirely dedicated to supporting carers.

Wed, 04/10/2019 - 13:32

Carers, along with patients, should be at the heart of care

Croft appreciates that while caring is a rewarding experience, the responsibility of supporting others can take its toll: indeed, people who provide substantial care are at 50% greater risk of experiencing mental health problems themselves. The burden of caring can be objective and subjective. For carers to fulfil their roles and feel supported doing so, it is essential for nurses to be empathetic and compassionate, and provide information, as well as offering a carer's assessment.

Wed, 04/10/2019 - 12:10