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Parkinson's Symptoms and Caregiver Burden and Mental Health: A Cross-Cultural Mediational Model

Informal caregivers are critical in the care of individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) and spend substantial time providing care, which may be associated with negative caregiver outcomes such as burden and mental health issues. Although research in the United States and Europe has generally supported these relations, there is very limited research on PD caregiving in Latin America.

Mon, 01/27/2020 - 12:23

Changes in Caregivers Lifestyle after Severe Acquired Brain Injury: A Preliminary Investigation

Introduction. Severe acquired brain injury (sABI) is considered the most common cause of death and disability worldwide. sABI patients are supported by their caregivers who often exhibit high rates of psychological distress, mood disorders, and changes in relationship dynamics and family roles. Objectives. To explore lifestyle changes of caregivers of sABI patients during the postacute rehabilitation, by investigating possible differences between primary and secondary caregivers.

Mon, 04/01/2019 - 11:04

Relationships between Caregiving Stress, Depression, and Self-Esteem in Family Caregivers of Adults with a Disability

This study aimed to examine the relationships between caregiving stress, depression, and self-esteem of family caregivers of an adult person with a disability and to identify their effects on their caregiving burden. The study was performed with 108 care providers of adult people with a disability who visited hospital rehabilitation centers. Caregiving stress showed a significant positive correlation with depression and with economic and psychological stress, and it showed a significant negative correlation with self-esteem.

Mon, 03/25/2019 - 14:15

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