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Family dynamics in young adult cancer caregiving: "It should be teamwork"

Purpose/objectives: Young adult cancer patients undergo stress at a time when their primary source of psychosocial support may be changing. Our goal was to provide insight into the expectations young adult patients and their family caregivers for types of psychosocial support.; Research Approach: Semi-structured interviews.; Participants: Fifteen patients, 9 caregivers recruited from an AYA clinic.

Thu, 06/27/2019 - 15:13

Intergenerational Ambivalence and Dyadic Strain: Understanding Stress in Family Care Partners of Older Adults

Objectives: The present study used Pearlin, Mullan, Semple & Skaff's (1990) caregiving stress process model as a framework to examine the comparative influence of two stressors: (a) intergenerational ambivalence as a unified construct and (b) dyadic strain, which is one isolated component of intergenerational ambivalence. Methods: Participants were 120 women providing healthcare and medication assistance to an earlier generation family member with physical and/or cognitive impairments.

Thu, 06/27/2019 - 14:29

Resources for the Family Caregiver: A Review of the Family Caregiver Alliance and the AARP Caregiving Resource Center

The rate of family caregiving is steadily increasing as baby boomers retire and their loved ones step into the role as family caregiver. Whether caregiving is a sudden or anticipated role, caregivers are often unsure of where to turn for information or aide, and face many challenges including stress, depression, anxiety, and financial burdens. Credible, easy, and useful online resources are abundant, and the Family Caregiver Alliance and the AARP Caregiving Resources Center are no exception.

Thu, 06/27/2019 - 14:22

Self-efficacy and social support for psychological well-being of family caregivers of care recipients with dementia with Lewy bodies, Parkinson's disease dementia, or Alzheimer's disease

The study identified factors associated with depressive symptoms in family caregivers of persons with dementia with Lewy bodies, Alzheimer's disease, or Parkinson's disease dementia. An Internet-based survey generated 606 response sets. Regression analysis indicated that care recipients' memory and behavioral problems, caregivers' self-efficacy, grief, and tangible, emotional, and affectionate support were significantly associated with caregivers' depressive symptoms. Self-efficacy mediated caregiver burden to improve psychological well-being.

Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:04

Self-Compassion, Health Outcomes, and Family Carers of Older Adults: An Integrative Review

Objectives: This review sought to synthesize published evidence about the role of self-compassion on health outcomes for family carers of older adults, to describe the current state of knowledge.; Method: Using an integrative review method that permitted any research design, eight databases were searched. Extensive searching of gray literature sources was also undertaken.

Wed, 06/26/2019 - 12:56

What Are Strategies to Advance Policies Supporting Family Caregivers? Promising Approaches From a Statewide Task Force

Family caregivers are the cornerstone of the long-term supports and services infrastructure in the United States, yet they often contend with many challenges related to this role. Public policy has been slow to change, leaving many caregivers vulnerable to health and economic consequences. Using models of policy making, we identify barriers to advancing policies that support family caregivers and overcome policy drift. We draw on discussions from the California Task Force on Family Caregiving as it prepares state policy recommendations.

Wed, 06/26/2019 - 11:20

Interventions to address burden among family caregivers of persons aging with TBI: A scoping review

Purpose: To capture the scope of literature exploring interventions for caregivers of aging persons with TBI. Methods: A scoping review of peer reviewed literature was conducted in two phases. Phase I: Searching seven databases, two independent raters screened articles using a set of predetermined criteria. Included articles were reviewed, and categorized according to common themes. Phase II: Five stakeholders were engaged in a consultation.

Tue, 06/25/2019 - 12:45

Measuring familism in dementia family caregivers: the revised familism scale

Objectives: Familism is a cultural value that has been shown to be important for understanding the dementia caregiving process. The aim of this study is to analyze the psychometric properties of the Revised Familism Scale (RFS).; Method: Face-to-face assessments were done with 199 dementia family caregivers.

Tue, 06/25/2019 - 11:45

Geographical proximity and depressive symptoms among adult child caregivers: social support as a moderator

Objectives: This study examined whether geographical proximity is a predictor of depressive symptoms, and whether family and friend support can moderate the relationship between geographical proximity and depressive symptoms. Method: A survey of 557 adult child primary caregivers was conducted in Shanghai, China in 2013. Geographical proximity was measured as a categorical variable: coresidence, short distance (less than 30 minutes' travel time), and long distance (more than 30 minutes' travel time).

Tue, 06/25/2019 - 10:50

‘I couldn’t just entirely be her sister’: the relational and social policy implications of care between young adult siblings with and without disabilities

Research has commonly explored siblings of people with disabilities’ roles in care for their brothers or sisters with disabilities. Social policy has also commonly framed young adult siblings of people with disabilities as ‘young carers’. However, there has been less consideration of the implications of care for the relationship shared between young adult siblings with and without disabilities and of what this may mean for social policy. What do different types of care mean for sibling relationships? What are the relational and social policy implications of care between siblings?

Wed, 04/10/2019 - 15:49