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LONG term health care

'Knowing the Places of Care': How Nurses Facilitate Transition of Children with Complex Health Care Needs from Hospital to Home

Background: The number of children with complex health care needs continues to rise and they often have prolonged hospital stays with their discharge home being delayed by a range of factors. These delays occur despite the fact that, except in extraordinary circumstances, a child's home is the most appropriate place for them to receive long-term care.

Tue, 01/31/2023 - 08:19

Family Long-Term Caregivers' Lost Productivity Cost: A Research Study

Population aging and issues surrounding family caregiver costs are worldwide trends and concerns. In this study, family caregivers lost productivity cost due to elderly care over time was examined and factors affecting lost productivity were analyzed. Based on these findings, the welfare system as related to the elderly should be re-evaluated, and concrete and realistic countermeasures developed.

Thu, 08/13/2020 - 15:11

DSHS rolls out two new caregiver support services

Ultimately, programs aim to help seniors stay in homes. The Washington state Department of Social and Health Services has rolled out new services for unpaid caregivers. Bea Rector, Olympia-based director of the home and community services division within the Aging and Long Term Support Administration of DSHS, says the services are designed to help at-home clients and care recipients and may also have financial savings.

Mon, 04/08/2019 - 16:20

Do Personal Budgets Increase the Risk of Abuse? Evidence from English National Data

With the continued implementation of the personalisation policy, Personal Budgets (PBs) have moved to the mainstream in adult social care in England. The relationship between the policy goals of personalisation and safeguarding is contentious. Some have argued that PBs have the potential to empower recipients, while others believe PBs, especially Direct Payments, might increase the risk of abuse.

Mon, 04/08/2019 - 15:47

The Treatment of Informal Care-Related Risks as Social Risks: An Analysis of the English Care Policy System

The social risk literature examines the extent to which states have provided social protection against the 'old' social risks of the post-war era and the 'new' social risks affecting post-industrial capitalist states. In this paper the contingency of the provision of informal care to people aged 65 and over is discussed. The paper deconstructs the concept of social risk to determine the characteristics and processes which contribute to states recognising specific contingencies as social risks which require social protection.

Wed, 04/03/2019 - 14:02

Means-tested public support and the interaction between long-term care insurance and informal care

This paper investigates theoretically how the structure of means-tested public long-term care (LTC) support influences the relationship between LTC insurance and informal care. Three types of public support encountered in various means-tested LTC schemes are examined. First, the level to be considered for means-testing only takes into account the level of wealth of the recipient without considering the cost of LTC or the possible insurance benefits. Second, the public support also considers the LTC needs of the recipient.

Thu, 03/07/2019 - 14:33

How to understand informal caregiving patterns in Europe? The role of formal long-term care provisions and family care norms

Aims: Motivated by ageing populations, healthcare policies increasingly emphasize the role of informal care. This study examines how prevalence rates of informal caregivers and intensive caregivers (i.e. those who provide informal care for at least 11 hours a week) vary between European countries, and to what extent informal caregiving and intensive caregiving relate to countries’ formal long-term care provisions and family care norms.

Wed, 11/21/2018 - 13:05

Measuring Family Members’ Satisfaction with End-of-Life Care in Long-Term Care: Adaptation of the CANHELP Lite Questionnaire

Rationale. Improving end-of-life care (EOLC) in long-term care (LTC) homes requires quality measurement tools that assess families’ satisfaction with care. This research adapted and pilot-tested an EOLC satisfaction measure (Canadian Health Care Evaluation Project (CANHELP) Lite Questionnaire) for use in LTC to measure families’ perceptions of the EOLC experience and to be self-administered. Methods and Results. Phase 1.

Wed, 10/31/2018 - 16:12

Intergenerational transfers and informal care for disabled elderly persons in China: evidence from CHARLS

Aiming at 'ageing healthier and ageing better', a certain amount of highquality informal care should be available for elderly persons with physical disability as formal care is barely accessible in China. The demographic transition and family structural changes have dramatically weakened traditional norms of filial piety and the structure of intergenerational transfers.

Wed, 10/24/2018 - 11:32

The experiences and preparedness of family carers for best interest decision-making of a relative living with advanced dementia: A qualitative study

Aim: To explore the experience and the preparedness of family carers in their caregiving role as best interest decision-makers of a relative living with advanced dementia. Background: The prevalence of dementia is a global issue. The role of being a carer of a relative living with dementia does not necessarily lessen once they are admitted to a nursing home. Best interest decision-making including end-of-life care decisions need to be made and reaching these choices can be challenging.

Mon, 09/10/2018 - 11:50

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