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Kemp, Candace L.

#MoreThanAVisitor: Families as "Essential" Care Partners During COVID-19

The public health response to the current Coronavirus pandemic in long-term care communities, including assisted living, encompasses prohibiting visitors. This ban, which includes family members, has been criticized for being unfair, unhealthy, and unsafe. Against this backdrop, I examine the roles family play in residents' daily lives and care routines.

Wed, 06/08/2022 - 19:13

Individualization and the Health Care Mosaic in Assisted Living

Background and Objectives: Assisted living (AL) is a popular residential long-term care option for frail older adults in the United States. Most residents have multiple comorbidities and considerable health care needs, but little is known about their health care arrangements, particularly over time. Our goal is to understand how health care is managed and experienced in AL by residents and their care network members.; Research Design and Methods: This grounded theory analysis focuses on the delivery of health care in AL.

Tue, 02/05/2019 - 10:46

Maneuvering Together, Apart, and at Odds: Residents' Care Convoys in Assisted Living

Objectives: Frail and disabled individuals such as assisted living residents are embedded in "care convoys" comprised of paid and unpaid caregivers. We sought to learn how care convoys are configured and function in assisted living and understand how and why they vary and with what resident and caregiver outcomes. Method: We analyzed data from a qualitative study involving formal in-depth interviews, participant observation and informal interviewing, and record review.

Mon, 10/22/2018 - 14:50