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Lee, Aaron

Effects of Accessible Health Technology and Caregiver Support Posthospitalization on 30-Day Readmission Risk: A Randomized Trial

Patients with chronic illness often require ongoing support postdischarge. This study evaluated a simple-to-use, mobile health-based program designed to improve postdischarge follow-up via (1) tailored communication to patients using automated calls, (2) structured feedback to informal caregivers, and (3) automated alerts to clinicians about urgent problems.

Mon, 02/10/2020 - 15:29

Out-of-home informal support important for medication adherence, diabetes distress, hemoglobin A1c among adults with type 2 diabetes

Adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) often receive self-management support from adult children, siblings or close friends residing outside of their home. However, the role of out-of-home support in patients’ self-management and well-being is unclear. Patients (N = 313) with HbA1c > 7.5% were recruited from community primary care clinics for a mobile health intervention trial and identified an out-of-home informal support person, herein called a CarePartner: 38% also had an in-home supporter.

Wed, 09/11/2019 - 11:51