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Lowers, Jane

Experience of Caregivers Supporting a Patient through Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking

Background: Voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (VSED) is an ongoing voluntary choice to forego food and hydration in an effort to hasten death. Ongoing caregiving is necessary as patients become weak and lose focus as a result of dehydration, but little is known about the process of supporting a patient through VSED. Objective: To explore the experiences of caregivers who supported a patient through VSED. Methods: Qualitative study with thematic analysis of transcripts of semistructured interviews with 24 U.S.

Sun, 02/27/2022 - 16:20

Comparison of the experience of caregiving at end of life or in hastened death: a narrative synthesis review

Background: End-of-life caregiving frequently is managed by friends and family. Studies on hastened death, including aid in dying or assisted suicide, indicate friends and family also play essential roles before, during, and after death. No studies have compared the experiences of caregivers in hastened and non-hastened death. The study aim is to compare end-of-life and hastened death caregiving experience using Hudson's modified stress-coping model for palliative caregiving.

Tue, 11/24/2020 - 19:53