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Mccauley, K.

Not sick enough: Experiences of carers of people with mental illness negotiating care for their relatives with mental health services

WHAT IS KNOWN ON THE SUBJECT?: Existing literature provides insight into the general experience of carers of people with a mental illness. Previous studies have found that carers experience a range of emotions when looking after their relatives with a mental illness. However, experiences of carers as they engage with the healthcare system is largely absent from the literature. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS TO EXISTING KNOWLEDGE?: This paper identified the experiences of carers when their relatives are experiencing a crisis or acutely unwell.

Thu, 03/28/2019 - 13:53

A Journey of Discovery: Experiences of Carers of People with Mental Illness Seeking Diagnosis and Treatment for Their Relative

This study explores the experiences of informal carers of people with mental illness in an Australian mental health service. A qualitative descriptive approach was used with data collected via focus group interviews with a purposive sample of 19 carers. Data analysis revealed two major themes: (a) "Something is not right" and (b) "Now we have a diagnosis." The carers noticed that there was something wrong with their relative before they received a diagnosis but were often hesitant to engage Mental Health services.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11