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Services for caregivers

Family Caregiver Burden Among Advanced Cancer Patients: Findings from the CONNECT Trial (RP421)

 Objectives: •Compare the experiences of burden for family caregivers in general to that of caregivers for patients with advanced cancer. • Evaluate patient-related factors that contribute to burden among caregivers for advanced cancer patients. • Assess how the relationship between patient-related factors and caregiver burden is affected by time spent caregiving.  Importance: Family caregivers for patients with advanced cancer spend significant time caregiving and experience burden that has been associated with poor outcomes.

Mon, 11/30/2020 - 18:20

Development of Population Tariffs for the CarerQol Instrument for Hungary, Poland and Slovenia: A Discrete Choice Experiment Study to Measure the Burden of Informal Caregiving

Background: The CarerQol instrument can be used in economic evaluations to measure the care-related quality of life of informal caregivers. Tariff sets are available for Australia, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, the UK, and the USA. Objective: Our objective was to develop tariff sets for the CarerQol instrument for Hungary, Poland and Slovenia and to compare these with the existing value sets. Methods: Discrete-choice experiments were carried out in Hungary, Poland and Slovenia.

Thu, 11/26/2020 - 13:29

"Tipping point" concept analysis in the family caregiving context

Aim: Analyze the concept "tipping point" in the older adult family caregiving context to further knowledge about caregiving families, enhancing transdisciplinary theory, research, and practice. Background: While used commonly in some disciplines, how "tipping point" has been used in health care, generally, and in relation to caregiving families, specifically, is less clear. This project was conducted to offer conceptual clarity to tipping point. Design: Walker and Avant's framework.

Mon, 02/03/2020 - 12:35

Defining Essential Elements of Caregiver Support in Gynecologic Cancers Using the Modified Delphi Method

PURPOSE: Family caregivers are instrumental to patients with gynecologic cancer and can be deeply affected by the demands of caregiving. Our aims were as follows: (1) increase awareness of unmet needs of caregivers and (2) identify and prioritize the unmet needs of caregivers and essential support services to be provided in gynecologic cancer centers.

Tue, 06/18/2019 - 15:03

Informal caregiving experiences in posttraumatic stress disorder: A content analysis of an online community

This study explored the experiences of individuals who self‐identify as providing support to a friend, family member, or significant other with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We analyzed and coded a total of 345 posts from an online support forum, with reference to 13 categories (finances, life interference, venting/emotional expression, maltreatment, sexual behavior, distress, prevented expression, physical health, communication, no personal space, isolation, and compassion fatigue).

Thu, 06/13/2019 - 10:26

"A Fine Line That We Walk Every Day": Self-Care Approaches Used by Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia

Individuals living with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD) often exhibit behavioral and psychological symptoms of distress that can contribute to the strain experienced by their family caregivers. This strain can increase levels of stress for family caregivers and reduce quality of life, which can have a negative impact on physical health and wellbeing for both the caregiver and the person with ADRD. This study used blogs written by family caregivers of persons with ADRD to explore self-care strategies practiced by these caregivers.

Mon, 06/10/2019 - 11:05

Caregiver Burdens of Family Members with Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and more than five million Americans are living with the disease (Alzheimer's Association, 2016). Alzheimer's disease takes a devastating toll on caregivers. According to Richardson, Lee, Berg-Weger, and Grossberg (2013), many factors influence the perceived burden of caring for a relative or friend with Alzheimer's disease (Richardson et al., 2013). These factors include characteristics of the caregiver, such as kinship ties, gender, psychological resources, and coping strategies.

Fri, 06/07/2019 - 13:17

Aging in Place in Every Community: Social Exclusion Experiences of Parents of Adult children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

This article offers an examination of aging processes of lifelong caregivers and the possibilities for social exclusion place experienced by parents of adult children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study of parental caregivers (n = 51) sheds light on how enduring caregiving roles can lead to social exclusion in three ways: misunderstanding of ASD and stigma, the complexity of the caregiving roles, and impact on daily routines including challenges with long-term planning for both the adult children and the parental caregivers.

Wed, 10/31/2018 - 14:32

The burden of informal caregiving for cancer patients

The informal caregiving for cancer patients is a complex healthcare activity. Experts have suggested that the incidence of cancer cases is expected to rise five fold by the year 2025. Now the major concern that arises is that as the number of cancer cases will increase so is the need for informal caregiving for cancer patients that will rise manifold. The present review paper will throw light on the meaning of informal caregiving and the subjective and objective burden of that the caregivers have to face as a consequence to informal caregiving.

Wed, 10/24/2018 - 09:50

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