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Buckner, Lisa

Valuing carers: calculating the value of unpaid care

This report updates the estimate of the value of unpaid care published by Carers UK in 2002 in ‘Without Us…? Calculating the value of carers’ support’. Based on data available for the first time at local as well as at national level, and on comprehensive information about the time carers devote to supporting those who need their help, the report reveals just how crucial carers are to the health and social care system and to the UK’s economy. 

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:24

Who cares wins: the social and business benefits of supporting working carers

Research shows that the adoption of flexible working practices can save businesses’ time and money – with some companies reporting savings of over £1 million (full report, executive summary and statistical report).

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11