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Policy making

Being in control and striving for normalisation: A Norwegian pilot study on parents’ perceptions of hospital‐at‐home

In recent decades, there has been a shift from hospitalisation to home care throughout the Western world, even for children. Hospital‐at‐home for children is in a developmental phase and represents a new service model in Norway. The aim of this pilot study conducted in a Norwegian healthcare setting was to explore how parents with a sick child experienced early hospital discharge and further care at home. The qualitative data are drawn from nine interviews with parents with a child admitted to hospital‐at‐home.

Mon, 12/12/2022 - 13:04

Psychiatric nurses enhancing consumer and caregiver participation in the state of Victoria: the impact of history and policy

Australian mental health policy now clearly articulates that consumer and carer (informal caregiver) participation in all aspects of service delivery is an expectation. As the largest professional group, nurses clearly play a key role in translating policy into practice. The aim of this article is to briefly overview the history of mental health service development in Victoria, with specific emphasis on the development of psychiatric nursing. Changing perspectives of consumers of mental health services and their informal carers is discussed.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13