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Meyer, G.

Die häusliche Situation eines Ehepaares Challenges in dementia care at home - The situation at home of a married couple

Background: People with dementia and their relatives are faced with major challenges due to complex dementia symptoms. Families need information and counselling in order to find adequate dementia care services tailored to their needs. Aim: This case report's objective is to exemplify the domestic situation of a married couple who is faced with significant challenges within the family and the care system due to the husband's dementia and Parkinson's disease.

Mon, 02/10/2020 - 15:06

Relationship quality and sense of coherence in dementia: Results of a European cohort study

Objective: Quality of life of people with dementia and their family carers is strongly influenced by interpersonal issues and personal resources. In this context, relationship quality (RQ) and sense of coherence (SOC) potentially protect and promote health. We aimed to identify what influences RQ in dyads of people with dementia and their carers and to examine differences in their perspectives.

Fri, 06/07/2019 - 15:24

Needs and quality of life of people with middle-stage dementia and their family carers from the European Actifcare study. When informal care alone may not suffice

Objective: The Actifcare (Access to timely formal care) study investigated needs of people with dementia and their families during the phase in which formal care is being considered, and examined whether higher need levels are related to lower quality of life (QOL). Method: From eight European countries 451 people with dementia and their carers participated. Needs were measured with the Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly. QOL was measured with the QOL-AD, and carer quality of life was measured with the CarerQol.

Wed, 04/03/2019 - 09:36

Caregiver profiles in dementia related to quality of life, depression and perseverance time in the European Actifcare study: the importance of social health

Objectives: To identify caregiver profiles of persons with mild to moderate dementia and to investigate differences between identified caregiver profiles, using baseline data of the international prospective cohort study Actifcare. 

Methods: A latent class analysis was used to discover different caregiver profiles based on disease related characteristics of 453 persons with dementia and their 453 informal caregivers. These profiles were compared with regard to quality of life (CarerQoL score), depressive symptoms (HADS-D score) and perseverance time. 

Mon, 03/18/2019 - 15:18

Access to community care for people with dementia and their informal carers : Case vignettes for a European comparison of structures and common pathways to formal care

Background: People with dementia and their informal carers often do not receive appropriate professional support or it is not received at the right time.; Objectives: Description and comparison of common pathways to formal community dementia care in eight European countries as a part of the transnational Actifcare project.; Materials and Methods: The German team was responsible for creating an individual case scenario as a starting point.

Wed, 01/23/2019 - 15:21

Successful collaboration in dementia care from the perspectives of healthcare professionals and informal carers in Germany: Results from a focus group study

Background: Informal carers of persons with dementia are in contact with numerous healthcare professionals (HCP) in a complex healthcare system. Successful collaboration between the parties involved appears to be essential for good dementia care. Thus, we investigated the perceptions of both HCP and informal carers regarding successful collaboration and sought to describe obstacles and facilitators.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:21

Efficacy and experiences of telephone counselling for informal carers of people with dementia

Background: Informal carers of people with dementia can suffer from depressive symptoms, emotional distress and other physiological, social and financial consequences.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:18