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Understanding influenza vaccination rates and reasons for refusal in caregivers and household contacts of cancer patients

Highlights • Influenza vaccination has limited efficacy in cancer patients. • Caregiver and family vaccination is recommended for high-risk patients. • Distance, age, and limited time decreased vaccine uptake in caregivers and family. • Efforts targeting vaccination for caregivers and family of cancer patients are needed.

Thu, 06/27/2019 - 14:52

Correlates of anxiety and depression symptoms among patients and their family caregivers prior to allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant for hematological malignancies

Purpose: Given the complexities and risks of allogeneic HCT, patients and their family caregivers may experience elevated psychological distress, including symptoms of anxiety and depression, in anticipation of the procedure. Patients and caregivers also bring with them their pre-HCT experiences of diagnosis, prior treatment, and associated burdens, thus potentially compounding their acute distress.

Thu, 06/27/2019 - 14:48

Caregivers of older adults with dementia and multiple chronic conditions: Exploring their experiences with significant changes

Family caregiving is considered a social transition as changes in the health of the care recipient create a process of transition for the caregiver when they are more vulnerable to threats to their own health. Family and friend caregivers take on many responsibilities and experience high levels of burden when caring for community-dwelling older adults living with dementia and multiple chronic conditions. However, little is known about the changes they experience in their caring roles or how they cope with these changes.

Thu, 06/27/2019 - 14:36

Intergenerational Ambivalence and Dyadic Strain: Understanding Stress in Family Care Partners of Older Adults

Objectives: The present study used Pearlin, Mullan, Semple & Skaff's (1990) caregiving stress process model as a framework to examine the comparative influence of two stressors: (a) intergenerational ambivalence as a unified construct and (b) dyadic strain, which is one isolated component of intergenerational ambivalence. Methods: Participants were 120 women providing healthcare and medication assistance to an earlier generation family member with physical and/or cognitive impairments.

Thu, 06/27/2019 - 14:29

The Role and Influence of Prostate Cancer Caregivers Across the Care Continuum

Background: Black men endure a disproportionate burden of morbidity and mortality related to prostate cancer (CaP). Increasingly family members are assuming the role of providing care and support to family members with chronic disease.

Thu, 06/27/2019 - 14:26

Resources for the Family Caregiver: A Review of the Family Caregiver Alliance and the AARP Caregiving Resource Center

The rate of family caregiving is steadily increasing as baby boomers retire and their loved ones step into the role as family caregiver. Whether caregiving is a sudden or anticipated role, caregivers are often unsure of where to turn for information or aide, and face many challenges including stress, depression, anxiety, and financial burdens. Credible, easy, and useful online resources are abundant, and the Family Caregiver Alliance and the AARP Caregiving Resources Center are no exception.

Thu, 06/27/2019 - 14:22

Patient and carer experience of blended diet via gastrostomy: a qualitative study

Background: Home enteral feeding is becoming increasingly prevalent within the UK. The use of commercial prescription formula is considered best practice; however, increasingly, patients are choosing to use blended diet via gastrostomy. There is anecdotal evidence suggesting both physical and social benefits, although there are concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of this method of feeding. The present study explores the experiences of patients who are currently using or have used this method of feeding in the past.

Wed, 06/26/2019 - 16:02

Quality of Life and Emotional Strain in Caregivers of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Background and Purpose: This study aimed was to measure the quality of life, fatigue, stress, and depression in a consecutive sample of caregivers of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients.; Methods: We included data from 131 consecutive caregivers of MS patients [age=51.2±12.8 years (mean±SD), males=53.4%, duration of caregiving=10.0±6.3 years].

Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:47

An Examination of a Simplified Stroke Rehabilitation Program for Reducing Family Caregiver's Burden for Stroke Patients in Rural China

With stroke being one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, families and social systems may face strain as they adjust to a caregiving role. This strain may be amplified in family systems living in rural areas due to limited access to resources. Thus, it is important for helping professionals such as couple, marriage, and family therapists to understand what facets of this disability are linked with caregiver strain as well as to explore and understand various interventions that may ease caregiver burden.

Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:42

Factors associated with sleep in family caregivers of individuals with dementia

Purpose: The study aimed to identify factors related to family caregivers' sleep. Design and Methods: The study used a cross‐sectional design with objective and subjective methods to measure sleep in the home setting over a 7‐day period. Findings: Findings indicated that poor sleep quality was found in 91.7% of the caregiver participants. Depression, sleep hygiene, burden, and care‐recipients' sleep were significant predictors of various dimensions of caregivers' sleep.

Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:36