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Journal article

Admiral Nursing: case management for families affected by dementia

Dementia series 28. The number of people with dementia is expected to increase globally. People with dementia are not affected in isolation and any intervention should also support their families and carers. Intervention is best delivered using a relationship-centred approach and a case management model. Case management has an established and successful history in supporting people with long-term conditions and those with a diagnosis of severe mental illness.

Mon, 03/25/2019 - 11:21

Quality of Life, Stigma and Burden Perception Among Family Caregivers and Patients with Psychiatric Illnesses in Jordan

The literature reported several factors which could impact the quality of life of caregivers and patients with psychiatric illnesses. This study aimed to determine the level of quality of life among a sample of 532 of caregivers and patients with psychiatric illness at two out-patient mental health clinics in Northern Jordan, and to examine the relationships of sociodemographic characteristics, stigma and caregiver perceptions of burden with quality of life. A correlational descriptive design was utilized. Three self-administered questionnaires were used.

Mon, 03/25/2019 - 10:55

Young peoples' reflections on what teachers think about family obligations that conflict with school: A focus on the non-normative roles of young caring and language brokering

In ‘Western’ contexts, school attendance is considered central for an ‘ideal’ childhood. However, many young people engage with home roles that conflict with school expectations. This article explores perceptions of that process in relation to two home activities – language brokering and young caring. We interviewed 46 young people and asked them to reflect on what the teacher would think when a child had to miss school to help a family member. This article discusses the young people’s overall need to keep their out-of-school lives private from their teachers.

Mon, 03/25/2019 - 10:49

Nurses as family caregivers - barriers and enablers facing nurses caring for children, parents or both

Aims To examine the dual caregiving and nursing responsibilities of nurses in New Zealand with a view to identifying potential strategies, policies and employment practices that may help to retain nurses with caregiving responsibilities in the workplace. Background As the nursing workforce ages, child-bearing is delayed and older family members are living longer, family caregiving responsibilities are impacting more on the working life of nurses. This may complicate accurate workforce planning assumptions.

Mon, 03/25/2019 - 10:45

Helping lay carers of people with advanced cancer and their GPs to talk: an exploration of Australian users' views of a simple carer health checklist

The lay caregiving role is integral to advanced cancer care but places carers' health at risk. A supportive General Practitioner (GP) can help primary lay carers manage their health, if they disclose their concerns. A Needs Assessment Tool for Caregivers (NAT-C) was developed for carers to self-complete and use as the basis of a GP consultation, then tested in a randomised controlled trial. This paper reports a qualitative research study to determine the usefulness and acceptability of the NAT-C in the Australian primary care setting.

Mon, 03/25/2019 - 10:33

Supporting relatives and carers at the end of a patient's life

All doctors, irrespective of their specialty or the setting in which they work, will care for patients who die. Around half of all deaths occur in hospitals. Evidence suggests that the quality of communication around this process is poorer in hospitals than in other settings, according to responses from relatives who have experienced bereavement. Over half of NHS complaints concern care of the dying.This article discusses how to best support relatives and carers at the end of a patient's life.

Mon, 03/25/2019 - 10:08

Information, connection and giving back: peer support outcomes for families following acquired brain injury in South Australia

This study aimed to identify the experiences and outcomes of participation in Families4Families Inc., a peer support network for families following acquired brain injury (ABI) in South Australia. Prior to the programme's launch in January 2013, new members of the network were invited to participate in pre- and post-programme phone interviews to identify benefits and limitations of the programme, and identify outcomes of participation.

Fri, 03/22/2019 - 19:26

Patient safety in community dementia services: what can we learn from the experiences of caregivers and healthcare professionals?

Objectives: this study aims to explore how patient safety in community dementia services is understood by caregivers, and healthcare professionals. Methods: cross-sectional analysis of guided one-to-one interviews with 10 caregivers, and 10 healthcare professionals. Results: caregivers and healthcare professionals identified a range of issues including medication errors, mis-communication between professionals, unclear service pathways and the effects of stress on caregivers’ behaviour.

Fri, 03/22/2019 - 19:21

The Experience of Parenting a Child With Disability in Old Age

There are growing numbers of older parents providing ongoing care for adults with disabilities. A parent's aging calls for a redefinition of parental care practices and roles in light of his or her own changing needs. The current study aims to highlight the ways in which aging parents perceive and construct their parental role to adult children with disabilities at this point in their lives. An interpretive phenomenological analysis perspective was used.

Fri, 03/22/2019 - 19:15

Identifying and addressing the support needs of family caregivers of people with motor neurone disease using the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool

Objective: Family caregivers of people with motor neurone disease (MND) experience adverse health outcomes as a result of their caregiving experience. This may be alleviated if their support needs are identified and addressed in a systematic and timely manner. The objective of the present study was to assess the feasibility and relevance of the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool (CSNAT) in home-based care during the period of caregiving from the perspectives of the family caregivers of people with MND and their service providers.

Fri, 03/22/2019 - 19:11