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Journal article

What seems to matter in public policy and the health of informal caregivers? A cross-sectional study in 12 European countries

In Europe, informal caregiving is frequent and is expected to grow. Caregiving has an impact on caregivers' health, but its effect may vary according to the policies of support that are available to caregivers. The aim of this study was to assess the association between the policies of support to caregivers available in 12 European countries and the health of caregivers, considering separately the policies based on financial help and those based on training and other non- financial services.

Thu, 08/16/2018 - 14:21

The carer-related knowledge exchange network (CAREN): enhancing the relationship between research and evidence and policy and practice

Although there is now an extensive international body of research and evidence about care and carers it is fragmented and disparate. Without synthesis, organisation and accessibility it cannot effectively inform and improve policy and practice with carers. This paper makes the case for an accessible carer-related research and evidence resource for stakeholders in carer-related domains across policy, practice, research to address this systemic deficit in the carers field. The Carer-related Knowledge Exchange Network (CAREN) has recently been established in recognition of this case.

Thu, 08/16/2018 - 13:36

Implementation of the Blended Care Self-Management Program for Caregivers of People With Early-Stage Dementia (Partner in Balance): Process Evaluation of a Randomized Controlled Trial

Background: Caring for a family member with dementia puts caregivers at risk of overburdening. Electronic health (eHealth) support for caregivers offers an opportunity for accessible tailored interventions. The blended care self-management program "Partner in Balance" (PiB) for early-stage dementia caregivers was executed in Dutch dementia care organizations. The program combines face-to-face coaching with tailored Web-based modules.

Wed, 08/15/2018 - 16:12

Communication between nurses and family caregivers of hospitalised older persons: a literature review

Aims and Objectives: To review the literature concerning the feelings, thoughts and behaviours of nurses and family caregivers of hospitalised older persons when they communicate with one another.; Background: Communication between nurses and family caregivers of hospitalised older persons is not always optimal.

Wed, 08/15/2018 - 16:00

Caregiver coping with the mentally ill: a qualitative study

Background: Mental illness is a disease that affects millions of people every year. It not only causes stress to the mentally ill patients, but also for the family members who provide them the care.

Wed, 08/15/2018 - 15:51

Predictors and moderators of quality of life in caregivers of amputee patients by type 2 diabetes

Background: The amputation of a foot or a leg is one of the complications caused by diabetes that creates fear. After the amputation, the patient becomes dependent on a caregiver, who is often not prepared for this new phase of life. Knowing the factors that influence care delivery in caregivers of amputee type 2 diabetes patients is important from an heuristic point of view, since very few studies have focused on this population.

Wed, 08/15/2018 - 15:41

Experts' perspectives on SwissDRG: Second class care for vulnerable patient groups?

  • Swiss hospital experts are aware of particularly vulnerable patient groups.
  • Vulnerable patient groups are insufficiently represented in the new SwissDRG tariff structure.
  • Swiss hospitals are confronted with the challenges that vulnerable patients pose.
  • Experts report macro, meso, and micro level measures to protect vulnerable patients.
  • Legislative measures to protect vulnerable patients do not show the desired effect.
Wed, 08/15/2018 - 15:29

Study protocol: young carers and young adult carers in Switzerland

In Switzerland, the issue of young carers and young adult carers - young people under the age of 18 and 24 respectively, who take on significant or substantial caring tasks and levels of responsibility that would usually be associated with an adult - has not been researched before. The number of these younger carers is unknown, as is the extent and kind of their caring activities and the outcomes for their health, well-being, psycho-social development, education, transitions to adulthood, future employability and economic participation.


Wed, 08/15/2018 - 15:19

“You don't look for it”—A study of Swiss professionals’ awareness of young carers and their support needs

While political and public interest in providing support for family carers is growing, so called young carers and young adult carers—young persons under the ages of 18 and 25 respectively—mostly remain unrecognised. Yet, this vulnerable group is in need of special attention and support from professionals in order to get along with the situation of an ill family member and the caring duties they perform.

Wed, 08/15/2018 - 15:07

Cancer diagnosis disclosure preferences of family caregivers of cancer patients in Egypt

Objective: Family caregivers (FCs) of cancer patients are frequently seen as a barrier to honest communication with patients in Egypt. This study was conducted to investigate the attitude of FCs of cancer patients toward cancer diagnosis disclosure (CDD) and its determinants.; Methods: A structured interview was used to assess the preferences of 288 FCs regarding CDD.; Results: According to the FCs, 85% of patients were aware of their diagnosis. The majority (81%) of FCs preferred CDD to patients.

Wed, 08/15/2018 - 14:57