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Beyond Male Role Models project summary


The final report (pdf) provides an overview of the ‘Beyond Male Role Models’ research project, its main findings and conclusions. It includes an executive summary setting out the key findings from the study and some implications for policy and practice.


Project video

The video film was developed as an integral part of the ‘Beyond Male Role Models’ research project. The aim was to share the findings of the research in a lively and accessible way, and to stimulate discussion about the implications for policy and practice. A longer version of the film was shown at the end-of-award conference in March 2015 and the edited version, which can be seen here, will be used as part of other dissemination and staff development events. The film, which was made by an independent production company, features young male service users, and male and female workers, at projects run by Action for Children and Working with Men in the west of Scotland and London respectively.