The Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education (LiFHE) Research Group within the school of Education, Childhood and Youth Studies (ECYS) explores all aspects of teaching, learning, researching and working in Further, Adult, Community, Higher Education and Lifelong Learning.
LiFHE is an expansive area of research that may include any educational activity that happens beyond compulsory schooling. Our members’ interests include subjects as diverse as:
Equity and social justice
Teaching / Teacher Education in FE (or HE)
Vocational education and training
Higher level / Degree or Graduate apprenticeships
Online learning in Further and / or Higher Education
Decolonizing the FE (or HE) curriculum
Professionalism / Professional Development / Professional Practice in Further and / or Higher Education
Post-16 Education Policy
HE in FE. HE / FE cooperation and partnership
Lifelong Learning
Youth work
Hosted in March 2023, our inaugural seminar explored Posthuman Professionalism. The group will offer a range of events, including workshops, seminars, and spaces for collaboration. We welcome approaches from external organisations that can lead to joint working or research development.