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Ibali Story Café at UKFIET 2023 in Oxford

Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 10:30


Alison Buckler, Jennifer Agbaire and Jane Nebe facilitated a story café at the 2023 conference of the UK Forum for International Education and Training (UKFIET). The conference was held at the University of Oxford between 12th and 14th September.  The Ibali café involved the screening of short digital stories created by young people and teachers in three Ibali project sites – South Africa, Nigeria and the UK.  Jennifer introduced attendees to the key focus of Ibali on educational inclusion and storytelling, outlining the key concerns informing the project.  Alison described Ibali’s adapted storytelling methodology and Jane talked about the project’s ethnographic strand aimed at exploring the methodology itself.    After viewing stories, café participants were invited to react to the stories in terms of the notions of educational inclusion and exclusion that came to them and their interpretation of these in small- and big- group discussions.  The Ibali facilitators then provided a deeper understanding of the contexts in which the stories were originally told. At the end, some café participants reflected on shifts in their thinking and some emerging ideas that they are having around education inclusion and exclusion.  

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