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Ibali Story Café at WELS Research Day

Wednesday, July 5, 2023 - 16:00
The Open University - Milton Keynes campus

a TV screen showing a presentation slide titled "Educational inclusion and exclusion in Nigeria, South Africa and the UK - a Story Café"

The annual Research Day of the Open University’s Faculty of Wellbeing, Education, Language and Sports (WELS) featured an Ibali session titled, “Educational inclusion and exclusion in Nigeria, South Africa and the UK: a story café”. The session was facilitated by Alison Buckler and Jennifer Agbaire. This was an interactive session in which participants engaged with stories of young people and teachers generated from the three Ibali country sites. During the session, Jennifer gave an exposition on the key concerns and questions inform the project, and Alison described the storytelling methodology used in the project. Participants then screened stories in small groups. The session ended with participants’ reflections and discussions around the stories, while Alison and Jennifer shared the ‘stories of the stories - that is, the contexts in which they were made. Among others, an interesting question that emerged from the session is around the scope for advocacy in our storytelling work.

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