Each module in the nursing programme has a number of resources, which help to guide and focus your student’s learning. A brief explanation of each of these resources is offered below. In addition, you can use the hyperlinks to access examples of some of these resources. At the end of this section, there is an explanation about how you can access the current programme resources on-line via the Nursing Partners website, which will help you to have a shared understanding of the on-line resources available to your student.
The study calendar sets out week by week, the learning that your student must complete. It directs students to the module materials they must read, audio or DVD resources they should play and on-line forums they should contribute to. In addition the calendar also shows the cut-off dates for submission of TMAs and the EMAs. The specific dates for tutorials are arranged with your student’s Module Tutor and your student should tell you when these are. Dates and times for the three tri-partite meetings that must take place during each practice module are negotiated with you and your student’s Practice Tutor. There is more information about the tri-partite meetings in the section on Assessment in practice.
This serves the same purposes as the printable version of the calendar. However, because it is on-line, it has some additional functions. It highlights the current week of study. It has direct links to the module materials that are relevant for that week of study, to additional resources and to the formative and summative interactive Computer Marked Assignments. Finally your student can tick off each week of study, when this is completed, as a method of self-monitoring progress.
Your student should read this before looking at any of the other module materials. It provides an important overview of the module components; the module philosophy, aims, learning outcomes and structure; support for studying; and how to learn effectively. For each of the practice modules in the programme, it is useful for you to know what the specific learning outcomes are, so you can either have a look at the on-line module guide yourself, or ask your student to show you the outcomes in their printed copy of the module guide.
The assessment guide includes all the information that your student needs to complete the written assignments. It explains how learning is assessed. It sets out the questions for each TMA and, where relevant, the EMA, along with detailed guidance about how to approach each question. It explains how to make the most of assessments, along with related study skills information such as planning time and ideas and referencing. It gives the grading structure and marking criteria that will be used.
Your student may ask you to read through and comment on their written assignments. This is not part of your role as a mentor and you should encourage your student to contact the Module Tutor for this type of support. The Module Tutor has a thorough knowledge of the module content, understands the academic requirements and is responsible for providing guidance on assignments, so do not feel guilty about referring your student to this tutor.
(KYN117 unit 1) (pdf)
Each module in the programme is divided into a number of blocks, and each block has a number of units. Typically a unit represents one week of study.
Have a look through the materials for Block 1, Unit 1 of KYN117 (pdf), the practice module in Stage 1. In particular take note of the following:
Your student can use their completion of unit activities as evidence in their portfolio. This can be particularly useful as a means to demonstrate underpinning knowledge and understanding relating to the NMC competencies.
Now have a look at Block 1, Unit 2, Activity 2.7 (pdf) through which students reflect on their own practice and experiences identifying what enablers or obstacles they are aware of that impact on their learning and development. This is followed by activity 2.8 which supports their production of a learning agreement with you. Reflecting on enablers and obstacles which influence the success of learning, increases students' awareness of the things they need to take into consideration when negotiating and agreeing their learning agreement with you. Completion of these two activities provides evidence of them taking responsibility for their own learning and development and so contributes to students complying with NMC guidance on professional conduct: 32 (2011).
‘Responds to peoples’ feedback and a wide range of other sources to learn, develop and improve services’
There are some activities that your student can complete on their own and others that benefit from your support and advice or the support and advice of other health care practitioners.
As a mentor to an OU nursing student we encourage you to have access to an Open University computer username (OUCU) and password. This enables you to have a greater level of access to the OU website than will be available to an open access user via the internet. If you haven’t been allocated an OUCU and password then please contact your Practice Tutor who can sort this out for you.
Once you have your user name and password go to https://www.open.ac.uk/students, log in and click on the link to the Nursing Partners website.
1. Click on the ‘Using this website’ prompt in the ‘Getting Started’ section. This explains how the Nursing Partners website is laid out and the different types of information that can be accessed.
2. Next, click on the Programme Resources link. This takes you to a range of information relating to the pre-registration nursing programme (PRNP). In particular go to:
3. Now click on the Nursing Module websites link and go to the practice module that your student is studying at the moment. If your student is studying Stage 1 this will be KYN117. If your student is studying Stage 2 this will be KYN237 and for Stage 3 it will be KYN317. Module websites normally open two weeks prior to module start.
You will see the online study calendar running down the central column of the module website. Go to the current week, which is highlighted. Have a look at what your student is studying this week. Scroll to the bottom of the calendar and you will see the prompt Printable study planner. This allows you to print out a copy of the calendar should you want one.
Now go to the Resources section on the right-hand side. This is where you can access:
Check out where to locate each of these documents and have a look at any that you are particularly interested in right now. You can always come back to these documents or their counterparts from other modules in the programme, at any time.
Do make use of the OU Nursing Partners website. It is there to provide you with information about the pre-registration nursing programme. In addition, you can also use it to support your continuing professional development, as you will find news items about important issues impacting on health care and also references to the latest advice and guidance from the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
Next section: Summary
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