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The internet as social support for older carers of adults with intellectual disabilities

Social support is a potentially powerful mediator of well-being for family carers. Given that social engagement often decreases with age, the Internet broadens the opportunities for aging carers of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to provide support to one another. This article reviews what constitutes social support, its importance to older adults, and more specifically carers of those with I/DD. Computer and Internet usage by older adults is briefly reviewed.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

The impact of being the intermediate caring generation and intergenerational transfers on self-reported health of women in Ireland

Objectives: To investigate the associations with being the “sandwich generation” in older women in Ireland and its impact on self-reported health.

Methods: Analysis of 3,196 women from wave 1 of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) was undertaken. Poisson regression was used to determine whether intergenerational transfers, were associated with self-rated physical health and depression, when controlling for other socio-demographic variables.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Workplace practices for retaining older hospital nurses: implications from a study of nurses with eldercare responsibilities

Attempts to address the nursing shortage must consider the aging nursing supply and the decreased labour participation among nurses at age 55 and older. Efforts to retain older, experienced nurses have been meagre, and little attention is paid to the role of eldercare in decisions to leave the profession. This pilot study examines current workplace practices that may contribute to early withdrawal of older nurses from the hospital workforce. Interviews with 28 elder caregiving registered nurses and assistive nursing personnel at a New York hospital were conducted.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11

Mutual caring: multimedia resources

This 2-disc set include information developed as part of the Mutual Caring Project. The Mutual Caring Project was set up to help promote recognition of good practice and develop improved service provision for older families where the balance of the caring relationship between the long-term family carer (often a parent) and the person with learning disabilities (normally an adult son or daughter) has changed. This disc set highlights this neglected area and provides evidence of practical approaches that can be used in different settings.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11

"But I don't want eldercare!" Helping your parents stay as strong as they can as long as they can

Written from an American perspective, this book tackles head on the powerful myths and discriminatory attitudes that underlie one of the unspoken moral disasters of contemporary life: that so many older people die, before their time, cut off from their family and their homes, unhappy and alone.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11

Barriers and supports for exercise participation among adults with Down Syndrome

Examined were the impact of exercise barriers and carer attitudes regarding exercise outcomes on the exercise participation of adults with Down syndrome (DS). The sample included 44 adults age 30 years and older with DS and mild to moderate intellectual disability and their carers (family members or staff). Measures included personal characteristics of the adults with DS (age, level of adaptive behavior, and health status), carer perceived outcomes of exercise for people with DS, socio-emotional barriers, and access barriers to exercising.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

The role of carer in chronic disease and end of life care

The 24th chapter of 35 in this book on ageing and disability from research and clinical perspectives viewpoints appears in the sixth part (of 12) on loss and end of life issues. It reviews the role of the carer in chronic disease and end of life care, and how positive or otherwise caring, particularly long term, may be. Following an introduction there are five main sections.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

The employment transitions of mid-life women: health and care effects

This article provides information on the movements into and out of paid work by mid-life women. This is a group whose representation in the paid workforce is growing as population ageing proceeds and as educational qualifications expand. It is also a group that will be critical to any labour supply response to the economic challenges posed by population ageing. However, current understandings of the needs and circumstances of mid-life women in paid work are limited.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

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